Latest Developments:
- The California Fair Political Practices Commission adopted a regulation (Item 7, Regulation 18318) to permit its Executive Director to enter into settlement agreements in satisfaction of monetary penalties if certain conditions are met.
- Campaign Legal Center v. FEC: The Campaign Legal Center filed a lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to force the commission to require more disclosure by political parties. Specifically, the Campaign Legal Center argues that national political party special-purpose accounts should be subjected to federal disclosure rules.
In Case You Missed It:
- Massachusetts Campaign Finance Settlement: The Massachusetts Attorney General announced that she settled a campaign finance case brought against a state senator and his wife, who is the Worcester County Register of Probate. The couple were accused of using campaign money to make contributions that far exceeded the legal limits.
- Appearance of Quasi-Lobbyists: Politico reports on the appearance of individuals who are not registered as lobbyists and not acting on behalf of any government, but who have clout and connections to both Israeli and U.S. officials. The loose group of individuals are lobbying U.S. officials to help Israel.
- Pay-to-Play: According to the Florida Times-Union, a Jacksonville, Florida donor to the Mayor’s campaign received a $300,000 no-bid contract after the city determined no other firm in the country could provide the services.
- Red-Light Ban Doesn’t Stop Contributions: NPR Illinois reports that the recent Illinois ban on contributions from red-light camera companies hasn’t stopped those companies from making campaign contributions to legislators, including some who voted for the bill banning them. The Executive Director of the Illinois State Board of Elections said there is no penalty for a violation.
- Sacramento Campaign Limits Confuse: Capital Public Radio reports that an independent investigation found the City of Sacramento’s campaign contribution rules “confusing” and recommended that two recent violations not be punished. The Sacramento Bee reports that the city’s Ethics Commission dismissed the complaint; the City Clerk said the city is working to fix the issue.
- Straw Donor Plea: Two brothers with a construction company admitted guilt in a scheme using the names of their employees to funnel donations to the New York City Mayor’s campaign, according to The City.