
Lobby & Gift Disclosure: Corporations, trade associations, non-profits and firms influencing government decisions must determine whether to register to lobby and fully comply with a myriad of lobby and gift disclosure requirements. Nielsen Merksamer is one of only a handful of law firms nationally can provide comprehensive advice and filing services for these requirements. Nielsen Merksamer customizes lobby and gift disclosure compliance services according to the needs and organizational structure of the client. We work with clients to identify their employees and consultants who should be registered to lobby and those who should be monitored for potential future registration and reportable activity, such as reportable gifts to public officials. Our firm can review, prepare and file all lobby and gift disclosure reports under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act and Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, and in state and local jurisdictions, maintain complete audit files, and answer questions related to these reports. We provide appropriate training to impacted executives, employees and consultants and assist clients in responses to ethics agencies and other authorities, with which our attorneys maintain respected working relationships.

Lobby & Gift Disclosure: Corporations, trade associations, non-profits and firms influencing government decisions must determine whether to register to lobby and fully comply with a myriad of lobby and gift disclosure requirements.  Nielsen Merksamer is one of only a handful of law firms nationally that can provide comprehensive advice and filing services for these requirements.

Nielsen Merksamer customizes lobby and gift disclosure compliance services according to the needs and organizational structure of the client.  We work with clients to identify their employees and consultants who should be registered to lobby and those who should be monitored for potential future registration and reportable activity, such as reportable gifts to public officials.

Our firm can review, prepare and file all lobby and gift disclosure reports under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act and Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, and in state and local jurisdictions, maintain complete audit files, and answer questions related to these reports.

We provide appropriate training to impacted executives, employees and consultants and assist clients in responses to ethics agencies and other authorities, with which our attorneys maintain respected working relationships.